Amaya, Angel

Mata Ortiz potter Avelina Corona, wife of Angel Amaya

In Mata Ortiz, Angel Amaya Mora and his wife, Avelina Corona de Amaya, usually work together and produce small, non-traditional jars (seed pots, long-necked vases and flying saucer jars). Avelina usually forms the jars and cuts the openings. Angel usually decorates them with his original interpretations of Paquimé Revival designs.

Avelina learned to make pots by working with her brother-in-law, Jesus Martinez. Her thin walls and streamlined shapes resemble his.

Angel learned to paint by working with Consolacion Quezada (Juan Quezada Sr‘s older sister) and her son, Mauro Quezada.

While they usually make pots together, Avelina signs Angel’s name on the larger ones and adds her name to the smallest ones. This is a common practice among the potter couples of Mata Ortiz.

Several years ago, Angel found a hidden body of deep red clay. He and Avelina have since specialized in producing contemporary white on red jars with various geometric cut openings. They also sometimes produce jars with red and black designs on a white body. Both potters were featured in the book The Many Faces of Mata Ortiz (under Angel’s name).

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