

Below and on the following pages is a list of artists whose work has passed through our store.

Note: These pages are generated by a multi-variable script. Right now I have it set so that it projects all the names in our Artist list. Changing one setting will reduce the list to only those potters whose stuff is loaded in the database. Another setting allows us to show how many pieces by an artist are in the store at any one time. I have hardly styled any of these and I have left the list “as is” for editing purposes. There are 150 names per page. That’s easily adjusted, too. Still trying to get this thing to list in columns and not rows.

There are two scripts in play here. The first only loads data for artists who have products for sale. As I load more stuff, that list will fill out more. The second script loads all artists, stuff for sale or not, until I change the script. The second list is good for editing all this.

end of az-listing here, begin pwb-all-brands