Rodriguez, Armando

Armando Rodriguez Guillen was taught how to make pottery by his brother, Manuel Rodriguez. Armando would rather have been on his horse and tending to his cattle back then but drought had reduced the herds of cattle severely and folks had to learn a new method of making ends meet. Since then, Armando’s facility with clay and a brush has allowed him to expand his herd and acquire better horses.

Usually, Armando’s wife, Olivia Mora de Rodriguez, makes his pots of the red or white clay he has gathered and prepared. Then he paints detailed designs of cuadrillos and other geometrics over most of the exterior surfaces.

Armando and Olivia live in Barrio Americano, near his family’s old home. As their two children were growing up, Olivia and Armando taught them how to make and decorate pots, too.

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