Whitegeese, Daryl

Santa Clara/Pojoaque Pueblo potter Daryl Whitegeese
Daryl Whitegeese was born in March, 1964 to LuAnn Tafoya of Santa Clara Pueblo and Sosi Tapia of Pojoaque Pueblo. He learned the basics of the traditional art of making pottery from his mother as he was growing up but he also grew up in a family where almost everyone was a potter.

Daryl says he produced his first pot on his own when he was about 32. He enjoyed it so much that by the time he was 40 he was a full-time potter. Prior to that, he’d been working at Digital Equipment Corporation for 14 years as a systems administrator.

After leaving DEC he returned to Santa Clara Pueblo and took on some free-lance computer work. That’s how he met his wife, Rosemary Hardy at Pojoaque Pueblo. They were married in 1997 and now have 3 daughters and several grandchildren.

Over the years since he began making pottery Daryl has participated in juried competitions at the Santa Fe Indian Market, the Heard Museum Guild Indian Art Fair and the Eiteljorg Museum of the American Indian (in Indianapolis). He’s earned multiple ribbons at all three, including ribbons for Excellence in Traditional Arts, Best of Division, First Place, Second Place, Third Place and Best of Traditional Pottery.

When we asked him where he gets his inspiration he immediately said “Mom and Grandma” (meaning LuAnn and Margaret Tafoya).

He said his favorite shape to make is the red water jar with a bear paw imprint, “just like Mom and Grandma used to make.” He also loves to decorate his pots with traditional designs, using his own distinctive carving style on a surface polished to a mirror-like, high luster finish.

While we were talking Daryl told us he loves music, especially blues and jazz. He also loves to go to Denver Bronco games in the winter. When he’s not busy making pots he’s probably somewhere with his family, “spoiling the kids.”

Some Awards earned by Daryl

  • 2019 Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair & Market, Classification II – Pottery: Best of Classification. Awarded for artwork: Red and White Carved Vase
  • 2019 Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair & Market, Classification II – Pottery, Division C – Carved, native clay, hand built, fired out-of-doors: First Place. Awarded for artwork: Red and White Carved Vase
  • 2018 Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair & Market, Classification II – Pottery, Division G – Pottery miniatures not to exceed three (3) inches at its greatest dimension: Honorable Mention. Awarded for artwork: Black Plain Bowl
  • 2017 Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair & Market. Classification II Pottery, Division G – Pottery miniatures not to exceed three (3) inches at its greatest dimension: Honorable Mention. Awarded for artwork: Black Bear Paw Jar
  • 2015 Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair & Market, Classification II – Pottery, Best of Class. Awarded for artwork: Black Bear Paw Double Shoulder Water Jar
  • 2015 Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair & Market, Classification II – Pottery, Division B – Traditional – native clay, hand built, unpainted, including ribbed: First Place. Awarded for artwork: Black Bear Paw Double Shoulder Water Jar
  • 2015 Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair & Market, Classification II – Pottery, Division C – Traditional – native clay, hand built, carved: First Place. Awarded for Vase
  • 2015 Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair & Market: Judge’s Award – Martha Hopkins Streuver. Awarded for artwork: Black Bear Paw Double Shoulder Water Jar
  • 2015 Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair & Market: Judge’s Award – Dr. Shelby Tisdale. Awarded for artwork: Black Bear Paw Double Shoulder Water Jar
  • 2014 Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair & Market, Classification II – Pottery: Best of Class
  • 2014 Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair & Market, Classification II – Pottery, Division B – Traditional, native clay, hand built, unpainted including ribbed: First Place
  • 2014 Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair & Market, Classification II – Pottery, Division C – Traditional, native clay, hand built, carved: First Place
  • 2012 Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair & Market, Classification II – Pottery, Division B – Traditional, native clay, hand built, unpainted including ribbed: Second Place
  • 2012 Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair & Market, Classification II – Pottery, Division C – Traditional, native clay, hand built, carved: Honorable Mention
  • 2010 Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair & Market, Classification II – Pottery, Division B – Traditional, native clay, hand built, unpainted including ribbed, Honorable Mention
  • 2010 Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair & Market, Classification II – Pottery, Division C – Traditional, native clay, hand built, carved: Honorable Mention
  • 2009 Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair & Market, Classification II – Pottery, Division B – Traditional, Native clay, hand built, unpainted: Second Place
  • 2008 Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair & Market, Classification II – Pottery, Division B – Traditional, Native clay, hand built, unpainted: Second Place
  • 2004 Santa Fe Indian Market, Classification II – Pottery, Division C – Traditional pottery, carved or incised in style of San Juan, San Ildefonso, Santa Clara, Category 1003 – Bowls, under 8″ in diameter: First Place
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