Sanchez, Delores Sandoval

Delores Sandoval Sanchez of Acoma Pueblo lived from about 1888 to 1991. She made pottery for more than 80 years and still loved “the feel of clay in her hands” almost until the day she passed on.

She learned to make pottery the truly traditional way, watching and working with her mother, Josephita Sandoval, before she came of age in the early 1900s.

Delores was known for making traditional polychrome bowls and jars and decorating them with birds, flowers, rainbows and geometric designs.

Delores was never much into exhibitions, although she often went to the Heard Museum to demonstrate her pottery making techniques. Some of her pieces are in the Heard’s permanent collection, most are in private collections around the world.

Delores taught many others to make pottery, including her daughters, Marie S. Juanico, Ethel Shields, Judy Lewis and Katherine Lewis. After Katherine passed on, Delores taught her daughters, Rebecca Lucario and Marilyn Ray, then they taught their sisters and brother.

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