Romero, Edna

Edna Romero was born into Santa Clara Pueblo in April, 1936. Her parents were Rose Naranjo and Michael Edward Naranjo. She learned the Santa Clara way to make pottery as she grew up while watching and working with her mother. Then she moved to Taos Pueblo.

At Taos Edna learned to make micaceous pottery in the Taos fashion. She got really good at it. She was a participant in the Santa Fe Indian Market for more than 20 years. She earned multiple First, Second and Third Place ribbons over the years for her micaceous pottery in the Taos, Picuris & Similar styles classification. Edna was also a participant in the Eight Northern Pueblos Arts & Crafts Show for many years, earning more ribbons there.

Edna signed her pieces either Edna N. Romero or Edna Naranjo. At exhibitions she shared a booth with Rowena Gibson, an award-earning Taos potter.

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