Naranjo, Flora

Flora Naranjo was born to Petra Tafoya Naranjo and Delfide Naranjo of Santa Clara Pueblo in May 1915. She learned how to make pottery as she was growing up and by the time she was 21, she was producing pieces for the commercial market.

In the early years of her career, she worked alone making jars, bowls, plates and wedding vases, often polished and carved blackware or black painted on black. Sometimes she made polychrome redware, too. Her favorite designs were feathers, the avanyu, bear paws, kiva steps, birds and handprints.

Flora passed her skills and knowledge on to all her children: Frances Salazar, Barbara Martinez, Sammy Naranjo and Glenda Naranjo.

Around 1980 she began collaborating regularly with her daughter, Glenda, and they signed their pieces together: Flora and Glenda Naranjo Santa Clara Pue. Pieces that Flora made by herself were signed: Flora Naranjo Santa Clara.

Flora earned a Third Place ribbon for a black basket at Santa Fe Indian Market in 1978. She earned a Second Place ribbon for a carved black jar in 1980. She passed on in 2000.

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