Setalla, Justin

Justin Setalla was born in the Hopi village of Sichomovi. He was raised on a farm and ranch in Snowbird Canyon, about 3 miles from the Keams Canyon Trading Post and Indian Boarding School. When he was preparing to marry, Justin and his father, Roscoe Navasie, built a traditional adobe home for his soon-to-be family on the ranch.

Justin married Pauline, the daughter of Amelia Talasyousie of Mishongnovi. She moved to his new home on the ranch. They had a kerosene lamp and a Coleman lantern for light, a wood and coal stove for cooking and heating. Water was hauled by hand in buckets and jugs from the nearby family water well. Pauline learned how to make pottery from Justin’s mother, Agnes Navasie. They raised 10 children in that home and Pauline taught all of them how to make pottery. Only a few continued making pottery for the marketplace after leaving home: Agnes Nahsonhoya, Karen Namoki, Dee Setalla, Gwen Setalla and Stetson Setalla.

Justin was a farmer, rancher, laborer, carpenter and traditional kachina carver. He learned how to make pottery through working with his wife and, like other kachina carvers, he experimented with carving a few pieces. But he never made much pottery, instead preferring to assist his wife with hers.

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