Tafoya, Lincoln

Lincoln Tafoya was born in Los Angeles, CA, in November 1954. His father was Jose Dan Tafoya, his mother Billie Rose Lee. He is of mixed Santa Clara Pueblo and Comanche heritage. It was after he married Judy Tafoya and moved to her home at Santa Clara that he learned how to make pottery. It was Judy’s sister, Sharon Naranjo Garcia, who taught him.

Lincoln collaborated with his wife often but also made pots on his own. He is most known for his sgraffito designs on blackware jars and bowls.

Some Awards earned by Lincoln

  • 2008 Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair & Market: Judge’s Choice Award
  • 2006 Eight Northern Indian Pueblos Arts & Crafts Show: Best in Traditional Pottery. Awarded for a collaborative pot, black, deep-carved storage jar, entitled “Avanyu,” made with Judy Tafoya
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