Fragua, Linda Lucero

Jemez Pueblo potter Linda Lucero Fragua
Linda Lucero Fragua was born to Joe and Rebecca Fragua at Jemez Pueblo in November 1954. Linda grew up learning how to make pottery the traditional Jemez way, alongside her mother. She made pottery for more than 40 years and passed what she learned on to her daughter Chrislyn Fragua.

Linda participated in shows at The Fort in Morrison, Colorado, the Heard Museum in Phoenix, Santa Fe Indian Market, Tucson Art Museum and the Eight Northern Pueblos Arts and Crafts Show. She earned ribbons for First and Second Place plus Honorable Mention from the Santa Fe Indian Market, Second and Third Place ribbons from Eight Northern Pueblos and First Place ribbons from The Fort. In 2018 she earned a new First Place ribbon for one of her figures at the Santa Fe Indian Market.

Linda told us she gets her inspiration from her mother. Her favorite shapes to make are storyteller figures. Her favorite design is the kiva step design and she uses it everywhere Clay Mother tells her to. She also likes to talk to the clay when she’s making a storyteller so she gets it just right.

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