Romero, Marie

Marie G. Romero was born into the Corn Clan at Jemez Pueblo in July 1927. Her parents were Joe and Persingula Gachupin. Leonora G. Fragua was her sister. They both grew up learning how to make pottery through watching and working with their mother.

Marie was making pottery and selling it early in life. She made pottery for more than 50 years. She made the usual Jemez matte polychrome and polished red jars, bowls, canteens and wedding vases but she also made storytellers, miniature kivas, nativities, old-lady-in-the-shoe scenes and hunter figures.

Between 1976 and 1999 Marie participated in juried competitions at the Santa Fe Indian Market, the Heard Museum Guild Indian Arts Fair & Market, the Gallup InterTribal Ceremonial, the Eight Northern Pueblos Arts & Crafts Show and the New Mexico State Fair. She earned many First, Second and Third Place prizes in those years.

Marie is the mother of Laura Gachupin and Maxine Toya, grandmother of Dominique Toya, Camilla Toya, Benina Foley and Gordon Foley.

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