Quezada, Noe

Noé Quezada is Juan Quezada Sr‘s eldest son. He may be the best of Juan’s kids at making pots and decorating them. He developed his own style of decorating back in the early 1990s. Like his father he paints long sweeping arcs and bands, but unlike his father he favors painting tiny checks and dots inside those bands for a bit of extra complexity. In the end, his bands have a “computer board” look to them.

Noé used to like to make frog, fish, owl and human effigy pots, then paint them with his distinctive style. Later he switched to a style more like his father’s: minimalist painting with more open space on the surface of the pottery.

Noé’s wife, Betty Quintana de Quezada, also makes pottery. Their home is in Barrio Central in Mata Ortiz, along the Palanganas River.

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