Andrew, Octavio

Octavio Andrew has been creating beautiful black-on-black seed pots, flying saucer jars and spherical jars for more than two decades. He was taught the basics of how to make pottery the traditional way by Reynaldo Quezada, youngest brother of Juan Quezada Sr.

After spending most of 2 decades figuring out how to make pottery the traditional way on his own, Juan Quezada Sr. is largely credited with igniting the renaissance of Paquimé Revival pottery making in the village of Mata Ortiz in northern Mexico.

Whether he actually began the Paquimé Revival on his own or not, a large proportion of the potters in Mata Ortiz owe everything they know about the craft to Juan as he basically taught anyone in the village who was interested.

Over time his painted designs and decorating style formed the core of the “Quezada School” with it’s flowing lines and use of empty space as part of the design.

Contrasted with that is the “Porvenir School” where design covers almost every square centimeter of the surface with something. Octavio uses elements from both schools in his works.

Octavio’s designs often feature geometric patterns, star shapes and parrots, among others. Many of his designs are similar to those found among the pot shards of nearby Paquimé. Octavio often collaborates with his wife, Antonia Andrew, an accomplished potter in her own right.

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