Nahto, Randall Sahmie

Randall Sahmie Nahto is Hopi-Tewa, born to Randall and Alisha Sahmie in September, 1984. Surrounded by a family of illustrious potters, Randall showed an interest in working with clay when he was about seven years old. So his father and his aunts (Rachel, Jean and Nyla Sahmie) took him under their collective wing and educated him thoroughly in how they make their pottery.

Like so many members of the Sahmie family, Randall prefers to work with utilitarian styles of pots and decorate them with centuries-old Sikyátki-Revival designs.

Randall told us he gets his inspiration from his aunts and from the nature around him (mountains, trees and open spaces). He’s learning to create larger pots, use bolder colors and make bigger designs. For Randall, his connection with the masters of the past is very important.

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