Chapella Family Tree

Grace Chapella Family Tree - Hopi

Disclaimer: This "family tree" is a best effort on our part to determine who the potters are in this family and arrange them in a generational order. The general information available is questionable so we have tried to show each of these diagrams to living members of each family to get their input and approval, too. This diagram is subject to change should we get better info.

This diagram is an adaptation and expansion of Dr. Gregory Schaaf's "Tewa Bear, Sand and Spider Clan" family tree.

    Grace Chapella (1874-1980) & Tom Pavatea (not married)
    • Alma Chapella Tahbo (1915-1993) & Olson Tahbo
      • Deanna Tahbo (1941-2011)
        • Althea Lomaquahu
        • Colleen Lomaquahu
        • Olson Lomaquahu
      • Gabriel Tahbo
      • Ramon & Mary Tahbo
      • Jimmy Tree & Miriam Louise
        • James Tree
        • Janice Tree
    Grace's adopted children who became potters:
    • Mary Ami (1919-pre-2013)
    Grace Chapella (1874-1980) & John Mahkewa
    • Dorothy Addington & George
    • Donald Mahkewa Sr. & Beth (1st wife)
      • Robert Mahkewa
    • Donald Mahkewa Sr. & Corine Polacca (2nd wife)
      • Burton Mahkewa
      • Donald Mahkewa Jr.
      • Jacob Mahkewa
      • Johnnie Mahkewa
      • Joyce Mahkewa
      • Myra Mahkewa
      • Rita Mahkewa
      • Rose Mahkewa
      • "Yo-yo" Mahkewa
    Dalee & Da Tse (c.1900-1921)
    • Frank Chapella (raised by Grace)
    • Mary Ami (adopted by Grace)
      • Wilma Himel
    Other relatives who learned from Grace:
    • Laura Tomosie (Grace's sister)(-1981) & Timothy Tomosie
      • Edgar Tomosie (adopted)
    • Bert Youvella (Grace's brother) & Belle Auguh Humeunse (Sand Clan)
      • Charlie Youvella
      • Ethel Youvella (1919-)
        • Crucita Grover
        • Lee Grover
        • Toby Grover
        • Verna Nahee (1940-)
        • Milfred "Pot" Youvella
      • Harry Youvella
      • Mildred Youvella & Peter Navamsa Jr.
        • Rethema Youvella (1950-)
          • Cynthia
          • Eugena
          • Melisse
          • Teresa
      • Roy Youvella

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